Wikipedia–Alice Dayrell Caldeira Brant

I have chosen to write my article on Alice Dayrell Caldeira Brant. This article has a large content gap; it only has brief biography of Brant. I would like to add more about her diary and create a more extensive biography. This article has no posts on the talk page, giving me a lot of possibilities for this page. This page will improve the coverage of Brazil by the inclusion of youth author. Her diary also gives historians a view into 1890’s life in Brazil therefore making her coverage on Wikipedia important

One thought on “Wikipedia–Alice Dayrell Caldeira Brant

  1. Kennedey Bell

    During the Wikipedia training, they were very focused on making sure that the topic is notable. I would make sure that there is enough research in English, and that she actually had a large impact on Brazilian society and views on Brazilian society. It may be that the lack of discussion on the talk page shows that the topic is not notable enough. However, I am always excited to learn more about women in history, so if there is a lot of information, I will love to learn about her!

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